Your comprehensive guide to microneedling for skin

Cosmetic procedures have come a long way, thanks to advancement in medical science. From Botox and PRP, to dermal fillers and other facial rejuvenation techniques, there are options for everyone. In this post, we are discussing microneedling, which has emerged as one of the more effective treatments for aging skin. Check for Clinicare wrinkles treatment in Quebec, and you will be surprised about the popularity of the procedure. Here’s more on what you need to know about microneedling.
What exactly is microneedling?
True to the name, microneedling is a procedure, where a dermal roller, or any FDA-approved device, is used to prick the skin. This creates minor wounds on the skin, triggering the body to produce more elastic and collagen. The healing process can minimize the appearance of aging signs. It is also called as the “collagen induction therapy”.
How safe is microneedling?
Microneedling is often considered among the simpler procedures for facial rejuvenation. The procedure is minimally invasive, and there is almost no downtime. Most people with average to good health can consider microneedling for age spots, wrinkles, and scars. There can be minor redness on the skin immediately after, but that should subside in a few days.
How long does it take?
One whole session of microneedling can take a couple of hours. On your visit to the clinic, you will be asked to wait, and once the prep is done, the actual microneedling process can take about 20 minutes or more, depending on areas being treated. If you are combining the procedure with another, such as PRP, the required time may be longer.
What to expect after microneedling?
For minor scarring and aging signs, microneedling can works wonders. You may see a difference in how your skin feels and looks, and it usually takes a few sessions to see the best benefits. Compared to the standard rollers available for home use, microneedling is not just effective, but also safer. Most people need at least three to six sessions.
Microneedling is a minimally-invasive procedure, so you can go back to work almost immediately. Your skin redness and irritation may become apparent in the next few days, but should subside. Your aesthetician, or dermatologist, may recommend an aftercare product, but in most cases, sunscreens are enough. Immediately after microneedling, your skin is sensitive and must be protected from sun.
Check for a clinic near you for microneedling and related procedures.