What You Must Know About Lowering High Blood Pressure

Our lives are faster than ever, and so is the progression of many illnesses. High blood pressure is a disease that can be caused by our lifestyle choices and diet. As with many heart-related conditions, hypertension can lead to numerous chronic diseases if it is not treated timely. Hypertension can sometimes go untreated, just like many other conditions. It can also cause serious health problems, including strokes, heart attacks, kidney disease, and more. This article will cover everything you need to know regarding the high blood pressure treatment. This article will discuss hypertension, including its causes, symptoms, risks, and how to manage them. This article also discusses the best and worst practices for managing hypertension.
Blood pressure refers to the force of blood pushing against the walls and arteries. The blood pressure is created when the heart beats and pumps blood into the vessels. High blood pressure is defined as excessive pressure on the artery walls. It is the job of the heart to pump blood. The blood pressure is highest when the heart beats; this condition is called systolic. When the heart stops beating, blood pressure decreases between beats. This is known as diastolic or resting blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured as millimeters of mercury (mmHg). A blood pressure reading above 140/80mmHg is considered hypertension. Hypertension is defined by blood pressure readings greater than 140 mm Hg systolic or less than 90 mmHg diastolic.
There is usually no identifiable cause in between 90 and 95% of cases of high blood pressure. This is commonly called primary hypertension or essential hypertension. Hypertension tends to progress slowly over many decades. Secondary hypertension refers to the remaining 5-10% who have an underlying cause. Most people with high blood pressure don’t have any identifiable symptoms, as we mentioned previously. There are some symptoms people might experience such as dull headaches and dizziness in the beginning stages of high blood pressure. These symptoms usually do not appear until the high blood pressure is advanced. There are many risk factors that can increase blood pressure. These risk factors include obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, stress levels, age, genetic factors, and smoking cessation. High blood pressure may also be caused when certain conditions are present. High blood pressure may also be caused due to hormonal conditions like Cushing syndrome or kidney disease. High blood pressure can result in complications that affect different organs.
For high blood pressure to be controlled, lifestyle and dietary modifications are essential. It is important to eat nutritious diet, healthy and balanced lifestyle, in addition to the prescribed medication. Healthy eating habits should include whole grains, fruits, vegetables as well as low-fat dairy. Consuming foods rich in potassium can help control and prevent high blood pressure. A healthy diet can be maintained by avoiding high sodium foods such as coffee, colas, fast food, ketchup, pickles and olives, all types of sauces, salted nuts, salted butter, chips, salted popcorn or salted nuts, snack foods, and saturated fats. Instead of high salt levels, you can use herbs and spices. They enhance the taste and aroma of food. You can substitute saturated or bad fats for unsalted butter and ghee. Restricting alcohol intake is important too. It is important to lose weight if you are obese. High blood pressure can be maintained by engaging in regular physical activity for even 30 minutes per day. People with high blood pressure should quit smoking immediately, as smoking damages blood vessels and speeds up hardening of muscles. High blood pressure can be reduced by managing stress. You can do deep breathing exercises, stress-coping strategies, and muscle relaxation to help you manage your stress. You can lower blood pressure by changing your lifestyle and eating habits. A doctor is a must for any medication.
Simple diet and lifestyle changes can help one manage hypertension better. It is recommended that you consult your doctor for medication to prevent further complications. Because high blood pressure can be missed due to lack of symptoms, regular checkups are important. Healthy eating habits that include vegetables, fruits and low-fat milk can be very helpful. Regular exercise can also help. People with high blood pressure should limit their alcohol intake. They also need to quit smoking. Hypertension can usually be controlled if one is capable of doing so, especially with tiger-milk mushroom supplements known to improve heart health.