The Best Ways To Support Someone In Rehab

Having someone you care about enter rehab is a fantastic step, but it’s certainly not the end of their tussle with addiction. Supporting them during their time at a rehabilitation facility can be considered to be equally important, as helping them through these key steps is what will eventually will help them manage addiction on their own. This is all the more important as each case of addiction will be different, which is why supporting someone in a correspondingly unique way is such an important thing to do. Many people don’t know where to start, however, which is why in this article we take a look at a few ways you can better support someone in rehab.
Support makes a huge difference
If you know someone in rehabilitation in Melbourne, you’ve likely already tried to think up ways to support them in any way you can – the issue is then that many people don’t know how! The best place to start should be obvious, however – be supportive of them every step of the way. This can actually be difficult for some, as it’s not uncommon for circumstances involving people with addiction to be fraught with resentment and anger, particularly in relation to their past behaviours. These thoughts and feelings need to be set aside while a person is going through rehab, as knowing that they’re trying to improve themselves should be a good indication that they don’t want to repeat the same behaviours. With this in mind, you being aggressive while they’re going through rehab might actually dissuade them to continue. Reassurance is very much a big part of this, as the rehabilitation process can be extremely stressful and anxiety-inducing. Being able to tell someone that they’re doing well, that they’re being incredibly brave and that they are taking the right steps to heal can make all of the difference. Reminding them about their career and friends and families can also help to reinforce the fact that they’re doing something very positive for not only themselves, but those around them.
Learn more about the rehabilitation process
Being supportive can also mean knowing more about what the person in rehab is going through. First, you might want to learn more about their specific addiction, as every substance is very different when it comes to addiction, and the circumstances around the individual developing the addiction will also be unique. By learning more about the addiction related to a specific substance, you’ll be able to develop a much better understanding of the behaviours and thoughts of the person with the addiction. Different substances have withdrawal side-effects that cause significant impairment in different ways, so it can also help you be more prepared for these. This step can help prepare you better for responding to people with poor mental health, such as those with depression, as they’re going through withdrawals. It’s also very useful to learn more about the rehabilitation process, as it can help you understand the steps that the individual is taking at any given time and how these steps are valuable in them being rehabilitated.
Contact can mean everything
Staying in regular contact with someone in rehab is also extremely important, as it helps them know that they’re not alone while they’re undergoing treatment. By letting them know you’re there to support them at every step of the process, there’s a much better chance that they’ll be able to successfully be rehabilitated.