Nothing can beat the experience of soaking in the warm, fresh and clean water of hot tub after the daylong busy schedule. Nowadays people from different walks of life prefer to install high performance hot ...
An endoscope includes a flexible tube, which is entered in the digestive system tract to offer videos and photos, as well as a control section, which permits the endoscopist to steer the pointer of the ...
Accident may happen anywhere. You cannot play safely at all times. The question to ponder upon would be where to seek treatment for the injuries suffered. The catch here is that not all injuries should ...
Considering last few days’ data, we’re not seeing the downfall which we were expecting because of this ongoing lockdown. I don’t know if you are agree with it, but I feel so. It can be ...
If you have planned to get breast augmentation done, you not only have to prepare your body, but also your home for the surgery. Image Courtesy: Your cosmetic surgeon and their team will prepare ...
Smoking has caused so many preventable deaths. In fact, in so many countries, it is responsible for the highest percentage of preventable deaths in so many European countries as well as the United State of ...
Cosmetic surgeries are intended to rectify the flaws for which they are chosen with a natural look and undetectable too. Similarly, hair transplant is chosen with the same intention and hair loss sufferers’ desires of ...
The digital world is full of digital watches, digital screen devices, digital gadgets, digitally advanced glasses and what not. Now add to this another terminology, called the ‘Digital Eye Strain’ or DES. It may or ...
In this case, when the Corona virus spreads across China and abroad, it may be more than infection and death in this nation and the world. This curse could pose a significant threat to the ...
With so many procedures today, you could easily find one that would perfectly suit your taste and give you the outcome you were hoping to achieve. More and more people are trying to find different ...