Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

Do you often feel fearful or anxious when sitting in the dentist’s chair? Or is the mere thought of visiting the dentist baton rouge la enough to give you palpitations? If you have an irrational fear of the dentist, you are not alone. Fortunately, this is where sedation dentistry can come in handy.
Essentially, sedation dentistry involves using sedatives before dental care to help you relax during a dental procedure. With sedation dentistry, you might not have any memory of the procedure. That said, you also won’t have any negative memories of the event.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry
If you are considering sedation dentistry, below are the answers to frequently asked questions about the procedure:
Can I feel any pain during the dental procedure?
Ideally, you won’t be feeling any pain during the procedure. Sedation will also improve the efficacy of the local anesthetics that will be administered by your dentist.
Is sedation dentistry safe?
Sedation dentistry is considered an effective and safe option for those who are fearful of the dentist or any dental procedure. Your dentist will be able to recommend and use the sedation option that will suit your case best.
How long will it take for the sedation to wear off?
Generally, it will depend on several factors. For instance, it will depend on the sedative used, the sedative dose, your tolerance, and the treatment duration. However, since total recovery from sedation can take several hours, it is recommended that you bring a trusted family member or friend to accompany you to and from your appointment.
It is also important to remember that you are not allowed to drive, sign any legally-binding documents, or consume alcohol before you have fully recovered from the sedation.
Is sedation dentistry right for me?
If you are experiencing dental anxiety, sedation dentistry is one of the best options available at your disposal. If you have an irrational fear of the dentist or any concerns or worries about the procedure, it is recommended that you talk to your dentist about it so you can both assess if sedation dentistry is best for your case.
Sedation dentistry might also be recommended in the following scenarios:
- If your dental anxiety or fear is severe
- If you are afraid of needles
- If you have had a traumatic dental experience
- If you have a very strong gag reflex
- If you will undergo a complex dental procedure
- If you have a painful dental experience
Will sedation dentistry help relieve any pain?
Sedation dentistry can help you relieve your anxiety and relax but it won’t be able to relieve any pain. Anesthesia on the other hand is used to relieve pain. Combining the two can provide you with a relaxing and pain-free dental experience.
How long will the sedation last?
The typical timeframe can be from one to six hours. However, it can also depend on other factors like the type of sedative and the type of dental work done.
Will I remember anything after the dental procedure?
If intravenous sedation will be administered, it is likely that you won’t have much of a memory of what transpired. Many patients often fall asleep during the procedure. If inhalation sedation was used (laughing gas or nitrous oxide), your memory will not be affected.
Oral sedatives fall in between because you might remember some of the things that transpired during the procedure but your memory will be fuzzy or fragmented.
What are some of the likely side effects of sedation dentistry?
Some of the most common side effects of sedation dentistry include:
- Headache or nausea
- Dry mouth
- Blurred vision
- Change in appetiteArticle 05 – FEBRUARY – Sedation Dentistry
- Grogginess